Where do I even begin?! It’s so hard to write your own bio!

We are the Feltz Family: Jim, Jessika, and Tucker.

We are xennial Indiana natives who still live here for some reason, even though we hate winter and each year it gets harder and harder to live through the snow and ice. (It’s also hard to live through the politics, but I digress.)

We love cars, food, cocker spaniels, and being comfortable. And of course we love the color pink!

For nearly 15 years, we made our living as wedding photographers and letterpress print shop owners, but the pandemic changed a lot of that for us. Jim returned to his trade job as a machinist and Jessika is working on launching a new creative consulting business. Other complicating factors include our son, who has special behavioral needs and is currently on a reduced day schedule at school. During all of this, we started renovating this monster of a house!

Camaro Owners Day 2017 at IMS

Our favorite place on the planet is the beach. We dream of moving to the beach one day, but alas, we’re still here in the midwest. So to make this life a little more tolerable, we’re bringing southern coastal aesthetics to our house.

That Old Pink House belonged to Jessika’s grandparents and was a big part of Jessika’s life growing up. Read more about the house here. Living here has caused us to return to our roots in many ways, enjoying food history and genealogy as we learn more about ourselves through our ancestors. This blog is our way of sharing our life with you!