Here’s the TL;DR…

We are not experts or professionals. You should never take anything you see on our blog as “the right way to do something.” Get advice from professionals.

The Long Version:

We (Feltz Unlimited, LLC) make no guarantees of any kind. We are not construction professionals and do not claim to be.

We publish this blog for entertainment purposes only. All blog posts contain our opinions and views and should not be taken as advice.

The work we do may or may not be compliant to your local building codes. Always check with a professional or government agent before you do any repairs or work to your property.

The work shown on our blog may or may not be “the right way” to do something. How you choose to make a similar repair is up to you. We are not telling you that our way is the best or correct or safest way.

Always wear Personal Protective Equipment while performing repair or construction work on your home. Never defeat the safety features of your tools or building materials. We make no claims that we are using the proper safety equipment or methods.

Never use tools in ways that they were not intended to be used. Follow all laws and manufacturer’s instructions. We make no claims that the way we use our tools is “the right way.”

That Old Pink House is over 150 years old. Building materials and practices differed from modern times which causes us to conduct repairs and construction in ways that may differ from modern methods. Previous owners may have conducted repairs in a way that is not “the best way” and we make no claims that the previous repairs are proper.

We are not responsible for any negative consequences of utilizing any information that is given on this blog, whether it be text, photograph, or video.

Always consult a professional. Always obtain the required permits. Always use the proper tools. Always use safety equipment. Don’t be stupid. We’re not professionals and we are not telling you what to do at your own house.